Spinning Wheel

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Friday, April 27, 2012


test message after migration to Google.....

Monday, May 29, 2006

Old Time Saturday Night - greater than the sum of its parts
Today's column from Bruce Campbell
Wednesday, May 24, 2006

The official charter of the CBA is to promote the “furtherance of Bluegrass, Old-Time, and Gospel Music in California”. Sometimes it seems that old time music is the plain-faced spinster sister of Bluegrass. Bluegrass gets all the excitement and the press, it seems, and yet, I hear a lot of old time music being picked at campsites at festivals.

Some longtime friends of mine have a band called Spinning Wheel. A nicer bunch of folks you couldn’t ask for. They exist somewhat on the old-timey fringes of the Bluegrass “scene” in Northern California (although many, if not all of the musician are active CBA members), and I think they like it that way.

We crossed paths for the first time some years ago, when I was first getting into Bluegrass, and they knew a lot of songs, and I had the pleasure of jamming and gigging with them several times. They didn’t share my ambitions to get a small, tight hot-pickin’ outfit together, and eventually, I moved on to pursue my vision.

What Spinning Wheel is all about is capturing the good time feel of good old fashioned American music. Some of it is Bluegrass, but it’s of the church social singalong style. They also play a lot of Irish tunes, and some very obscure old timey stuff. Over the years, they have played countless gigs at convalescent hospitals and retirement homes, often for low, or no pay. They have become Martinez’s de facto house band, exuding that historic town’s charm in their music, and you’ll see them playing at just about every cultural event in town.

Their sound has smoothed and matured over the years, and has become uniquely their own. They have a large lineup (I tease them about being a bluegrass orchestra) and sometimes number about a dozen players, with multiples of almost every instrument except bass. You’d think it’d sound like a train wreck – isn’t that the threshold where jams start breaking up under their own weight? But it works! And they are in control of their sound – it’s very consistent from show to show.

Mike Elliott is the leader of this marvelous folk orchestra, and his stories that introduce the songs are an integral part of the band’s appeal. This doesn’t mean he rules with an iron fist – the whole ensemble appears loose and comfortable onstage, and they’re quick to tease Mike if the opportunity presents itself.

Overall, the show ain’t screaming-fast bluegrass – that’s NOT what Spinning Wheel is about, but it is warm and comfy throughout. I try to catch their show several times a year, and it’s ALWAYS an enjoyable time. If you ever want to know what an Old Time Saturday Night sounds like, check them out. Their website is at www.spinningwheelmusic.com. They treat old time music with respect and reverence, but still show their audiences a real fine time!

Wednesday, February 15, 2006

Consumers Union:

Another Austin Lounge Lizard consumer awareness video.


The following are some public service spots done by the Austin Lounge Lizards.

The Foundation For Taxpayer & Consumer Rights (FTCR)

Hear Us Now:

Consumers Union:
Austin Lounge Lizard/Consumer Union consumer awareness video re. DRUGS

Monday, January 23, 2006

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Tuesday, March 15, 2005

Consumers Union:

Saturday, February 05, 2005

A rare group photo of Spinning Wheel Posted by Hello

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A blog is a fun place to share stuff....This one is for Spinning Wheel, bluegrass and the stuff we like to talk about
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Thursday, September 16, 2004

Bluegrass Lyrics Home Page